Hotel Byakko awarded Green Key label
Category : Hotel

Hotel Byakko has been rewarded for its commitment to the environment by receiving the Clef Verte label. This distinction illustrates the Summer Hotels group's commitment to an ecological approach across its various establishments, thanks to concrete initiatives that have been implemented for some time now.
We are delighted to have our commitment recognized by this label, and hope that the actions we have taken will resonate with our customers, encouraging them to preserve the environment while continuing to explore and enjoy the wonderful spaces nature has to offer.
What is the Green Key label?
Green Key label is an environmental label that sets an international benchmark in the tourist accommodation and catering sector. The label was created to recognize and distinguish establishments actively committed to ecological and sustainable practices.
To obtain the Green Key, establishments must meet strict criteria and demonstrate a genuine commitment to the environment. These criteria cover aspects such as water and energy management, waste reduction, the use of environmentally-friendly products, staff and customer awareness, and the implementation of concrete ecological initiatives.
By obtaining the Green Key, an establishment demonstrates its commitment to responsible practices, thereby helping to preserve the environment and promote sustainable tourism.
Hotel Byakko's environmental approach
Hotel Byakko has taken significant steps to reduce its ecological impact and fully embrace sustainable development. These initiatives include:
- Reduced Water and Energy Consumption: Through the adoption of technological solutions and the implementation of daily gestures, Hotel Byakko strives to minimize its water and energy consumption.
- Responsible waste management: The establishment has opted for eco-responsible practices such as the purchase of bulk products, selective sorting, and the provision of bulk products, some of which are organic, at breakfast. The buffet is stocked as and when required to reduce waste.
- Partnerships with Local and Ecological Suppliers: Hotel Byakko favors partnerships with local and ecological suppliers such as Transgourmet, Maison Herbin, and DropByDrop, helping to support the local economy and minimize the carbon footprint.
- Staff training: Hotel Byakko staff are trained in environmental awareness and the impact of their actions on the environment, reinforcing the collective commitment to sustainable development.
- Communication and customer awareness: Hotel Byakko's guests are informed of the environmental actions implemented, encouraging them to actively contribute to these initiatives.
- Ecological cleaning: The establishment has reviewed its cleaning methods, adopting eco-labelled products and using a steam machine to clean rooms and common areas, thus eliminating the use of harmful chemicals.
- Dematerialized communication: Communication media are dematerialized, and when they require a paper version, recycled paper is preferred.
- Promotion of responsible modes of transport: The hotel actively encourages its customers to opt for responsible modes of transport such as cycling or public transport.
To find out more about Hotel Byakko's eco-responsible approach, a comprehensive green guide has been designed, listing all the actions undertaken by the Summer Hotels group in favor of ecology.
With the award of the Green Key label, Hotel Byakko has established itself as a player in the hotel industry committed to sustainable development, ready to inspire its guests to adopt more responsible behavior to preserve our planet.